Monday, March 30, 2009

Truthfully, Suddenlly, Accidentally...

This issue happens very suddenly and accidentally!
Wondering whether should classified it as 'accidentally' as this might be human errors or misunderstanding or wrong 'interpretation'...
This is recently happen;
But yet all can do is just don't think too much about it. And so PRETENDING nothings goes wrong in any kind of meaning.
Frankly telling that, MUST focus on :
ACCA June'2009 Exam is coming soon. Which is left only LESS THAN 3 months time. Approximately 3 papers @ 21days per paper = 63days=1512hours.. Having timing constraint.
Timing must be well 'plainning' & 'allocate'.
This is actually what should do and what usually be planned and follow!
ACCA = Always Come & Come Again. Hopefully can put an ENDING before 23! Doesn't want to show NEVERENDING STORY I & II & III & etc... ...
What a TOUCHWOOD. Anyways, must success with no reason for failure this time!!
That problematics issue that 100% more complicated than Cost of Capital Chapter Formulae in F9. Better set it aside and just LET IT BE.
Don't waste up the TIME. Scare Resources Per Limiting Factor Priority of Allocations :
1. ACCA June'09 Exam - As nobody wish that ACCA exam become a humours jokes as ACCA = Always Come & Come Again. (LOL)
2. ACCA June'09 IRC - Must handle SUCCESSFULLY the sucks of 8 days continuously with everyday 6hours. Strictly speaking, absolutely no time to HANG your neck.
3. ACCA June'09 IRC - another BLESSING 2 days for another paper for 7hours per day.
4. ACCA June'09 IRC - should be 11days continuously as 18 March consider as overall self-briefing.
5. ACCA June'09 solve = Problem solve =) - Which is HOPEFULLY as everybody WISH!!

With Love & Blessing,
Best Regards;


1 comment:

Say ji said...

Planning and Allocate!...^^

dun use ACCA as Always come and come again la..

use ACCA as Always Create Coming Ascent