Thursday, December 17, 2009


现在的心就像断了线的风筝,飘浮在空中。但别慌张,有种自然现象叫做“地心引力”。它最终还是会落地的,然后把它捡起来,找回自己咯!也许,它会落到树上,屋顶上;那就勇敢些,积极些,坚强些,努力地往上爬咯!又或者会有双手,帮我捡呢!人生... ...希望嘛!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

什么都 “快”:
快熟面 快餐厅
快拨键 快科技
快快乐乐 的 快疯了 :|

Saturday, December 12, 2009



Monday, December 7, 2009


Eve is overload overloads.. Stress Pressure Panic Nervous.. Driving me crazy Driving me nuts.. Whats the date now?! Whats the day now?!
Pray hard Die Hard Study Hard Work Hard but never smart =.=!!! Give up no or yes?!
Oh dear beloved daddy! Bless your daughter, EveLyn well in heaven! Wish me best of luck as well! Love you & miss you dad!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009



Tuesday, December 1, 2009


也    不想去理会!

最近... 在
我活着背后的   “责任”
到底    是   什么?   为何?

绝望  与  期盼  之间...

整理    凌乱的思绪!
自己一个人   安静地...

藏起来   躲起来
去一个  找不到 
听不见  也  看不见   的地方 
清静一下    想得透彻

活着背后的   “责任”
到底    是   什么?
而我   活着
又   为了什么?

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Intractable One

You and me knew less than 3 weeks and just watched a movie one and only one time. You might sms to anyone you wants for every few minutes, but please not to me. Small sesame green bean things not even a need to report to me. Whether when you went to pay your electricity bill how much is it, how many cups of coffee you took per day, how many times you shower a day, how you allocate your time. Who cares!! At least I'm not the one who wanna care about all those things.

I'm absolutely not interested at all. That's really irritating and annoying. Don't try to step into my life and my lifestyle when you know you're not allowing to do so. I don't wanna meet with the intractable one!! Don't ever try to challenge my patience. You gotta regret!! 

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chinese Improvements

I've been improving my Chinese here several years. No doubt that, I able to write in out but thats not because I'm good on it.. Translator I have. BUT the most important is that, my dear younger brother--Chin,Andrew help me. And so, he always be the first who read it. Because he's the one who help me to side beside me teaching me and go through check every single word for me before I publish my post. Somehow, I still cannot write those Chinese words manually. Besides, my pronunciations was really oh my god. Becomes jokes around my friends. :P
Improvement needed and time is needed. Perhaps, I need Shirley oh Shirley (= 

Sunday, November 22, 2009



Saturday, November 14, 2009

B*TCH Vs H**

There's a point in life when you get TIRED of chasing everyone and 
TRYING to fix everything BUT its not giving up... It's realizing that you don't need certain people. First, The BullSh*t and secondly The Drama they bring!
The TRUTH is... everyone is going to HURT you. You just have to decide... whos WORTH the pain.
Those who saying me, 
Yup, I'm a B*tch; a CLASSY one
Yeah, You're a H**; the most BUSYBODY one..
Mind Your Own Business Please.. Insulting me, Lets take a little walk. During that walk I'll give you a hint --> "YOU'RE GOING TO NEED AN AMBULANCE"

Thursday, November 5, 2009



Sunday, November 1, 2009


总    徘徊在这些事件里头... 
快    要疯了...
但    仍然   要踏出那道门
依然   要过日子   要面对人
所以   不能把悲伤   挂在脸上
所以   需要强逼自己 
继续的   忍耐着   
就这样   继续的   坚强的   撑着...
无论   是什么理由   还是要   撑着!

我   也是个   平凡的人   平凡的女生
我   并没有   你们想象中   那么的   坚强
我   只是   一直以来   都   把自己的心   武装了起来
我   不可能   一路走来   都   那么的   坚强
我   也有   脆弱   的时候
想   撒娇   想   依赖   的时候

并不是   因为
也不是   因为
人生   不能从来.. 
所以   要避免彼此伤害
无论   在什么情况下
无论   有多么丰厚的理由
伤害他人   就等于开启伤害之门
更   不希望  
情绪   被影响
情绪   受波动

此时此刻   的我...
很想有一个   能   躲藏的避风港
需要一个   能   让我   静下心   定下神
能够   安慰我的   值得依靠的    避风港!
真的   需要一个   能躲藏的   避风港...
可以   避免看见   伤害人...

Thursday, October 29, 2009



        犹如     纠缠的结...
解不清     也     说不了;
    解不开     一团乱!

    累了     也     倦了!
        看不清  想不透,
越抹     越模糊..
不想成为     染色体...
    污染了     友情     也
污染了     自己的回忆...

也     未必会被遗忘掉...

不被明了    又能如何!
  朋友     我
     并没有     失望
不明白     不了解
        没关系     无所谓
并不是     谁的过错
      也不是     不够了解
只是     我     从未想过    要被了解!
    只希望     没有误会...

我的过去...     你不清楚   不能理解
我的将来...     你不明白   不能掌握
别          太靠近太阳     最后     
受伤的     受罪的     难堪的     难过的
只会是     你自己!

        难以捉摸    猜不透     摸不着
    是我的     本性
这     就是     我...     原来的我!
                至少...     我不伪装自己!
不懂得去     成全     他人     但
也     不会让别人
并不表示     我很伟大
    也不代表     我很大方
只是     我有    
“原则”     与     “游戏规则”


Friday, October 16, 2009

Theory of Chin EveLyn

Theory of Chin EveLyn 

Let Chin EveLyn to Begin,
Bring Chin EveLyn to Life;
Sharing the Chin EveLyn of your Life, 
Its a Chin EveLyn Adventure!! 

The Joy of Chin EveLyn,
New Thinking, New Chin EveLyn;
The Chin EveLyn Effect,
Never Knowingly Chin EveLyn~~

Bridge that Gap with Chin EveLyn,
A Different kind of Company,
A Different kinf of Chin EveLyn,
This is the Chin EveLyn you can see!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


















历经沧桑  也...  不顾一切,




向太阳... 微笑了 (= 也谢谢了!





但...  有谁会记得它在狂风暴雨天











但...  死亡,


Sunday, October 4, 2009


我,很感谢你们的了解更感激你们那颗宽容的心。别总觉得我难以捉摸令你们摸不着想不透!不必总觉得不够了解我,你们最大的了解就是对我的那颗‘宽容开阔的心’就是我的彩虹。 (=

Tuesday, September 22, 2009




“冷漠”。只是一种自我保护的程序。它无时无刻都存在于我的潜意识里!朋友们说‘未认识你之前,你很冷漠;认识你之后,你仍然冷漠!’。不是我总不让他人进入我的世界也不是我总不让别人了解,只是很多时候都认为没有这个必要!没错,这就是我的本性。它属于我人格的其中一部分。可是,这并不表示我对身边的事漠不关心!只是相比起来我个人比其他人需要更大更多自己的空间。至于我的空间里的内容是什么,不用太过用心的去挖掘。每一个人都是与众不同的。 (=



Monday, September 7, 2009

Once upon time...

Once upon a time, we do says that 
"Life ends, when you stop dreaming;
Hope ends, when you stop believing;
Love ends, when you stop caring;
Relationship ends, when you stop sharing!"
Somehow... As time passes, the world is changing constantly, and we are changing too...
 We seems ever forget to sharing, caring, dreaming and even believing! 
To believe, peoples says that there's 'Lie' in between the word of believe. To sharing, peoples not so into sharing happiness and sadness. To caring, peoples always using the excuses of being too busy on work and life and there's no extra even few minutes to caring just by a warm message or a phone call. To dreaming, when peoples gets elder and elder, yet to become fear of dreaming and even fear of letting others to know what they dream about as they might feel what the dream for is childish or not so into their age. Majority feels so, even myself.
Gardens are not made by singing "Oh, How beautiful" and sitting in the shade. Imagination is the beginning of creation. Creation of misunderstanding, misappropriations, misleading and etc. ie, i guess she/he understand how busy I am until I didn't catch up with her/him, i think my family know i caring them need not to say it out or do anything. Everything seems become common that actually wasn't that common without telling, expressing but just keep it in the heart. Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. 
In the city being unhappy is normal; being crazy is considered crazy. It's easy to get caught up in our busy world and forget the things that are important.  Therefore, we should remember what brought us together at the beginning. Isn't what happens to us that is important, it is what we do about it that makes the difference.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009













Tuesday, August 25, 2009

All FLY ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ To "Holland"

I knew my problem.. Phobia and panic when saw the exam hall.. Besides, over stress and pressure.. What the heck am I doing all these months and days.. Give up or not to? Doubting myself..

Really aint no comment on myself.. 'No eyes see' 

Cant imagine how stupid I am.. Everybody was even thought that I can go through.. somehow, I disappointed them and even myself.. What can I say? There's nothing I can say.. What a sucks on me.. 

Terribly shit..

Tuesday, August 11, 2009



Thursday, August 6, 2009












幸福的人,似乎随时随地都能发掘幸福,并且懂得享受生活中的小事情。早晨的第一杯茶,洁净的衬衫,暖和的被窝,凉风的气味,初开的花... ...


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Moment...

The very precious moment been captured. Perhaps, photos capturing the reality. Natural, Peace, and Balance that I desire for... Maybe I can found it here.. Everything little things will be clear under...The sun shine..The walkway..seems long with a feelings of lonely..Somehow, glad to have a bunch of friends. Oh dear friends that always cheer me up at the right time..Although we didnt meet everyday but just once in a week.. But I'm glad, satisfied and 101% lucky to have all of you..Our path...long way to go..Let's fight together and work it out together for our DREAMS..Good Luck.. and Cheers 

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

IsabeLLa WoNg Yunn Hwa

I've got a best friend that :-

  • has changed me in some kind of ways but makes me feels comfortable without any annoys or nagging on her when she do her very best changing me
  • has the same and similar life experiences with me about family
  • has the same and similar mind thinking and thoughts on certains extend (ie.Love)
  • has saw my tears  cries that normally would not happens in front other people even friends
  • has know and understand well my sadness and what I worries about
  • has never angry with me when exam is near and I getting weird and seriously, furthermore did not bother sms/calls from anyone anybody including hers.
  • taught me how to do on certain matters that she expert with
  • taught me 'other people can, why not you'
  • taught me to be confidence
  • taught me dress well
  • taught me makes no regrets on whatever matters
  • taught me face the future on not repeat the past that is wrong
  • always guide me to the right ways of thinking
  • always please me when I'm addicted in preparations for exams
  • always encourage me on doing what I wants for
  • always understand what I desired for and reasons why
  • always have many common topics to chats with and discuss about how & why
  • always listen to my small little happiness things that makes me happy
  • always hugs me when I get into problems or even happiness
  • every monday is our day to talks and chats about after we finish our class

I've got her. She's a gifts from God to me. And I appreciated her very very much like she appreciated me. 

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ways of In and Out

Life is always a suspense account, its also a double entry system sometimes.  God always fair, in another way that different with humans. This is why we called It -- GOD!
Whenever... god close one of your door, It will open another door for you.
Likewise... ones person happiness, is another persons sadness.
Besides... ones person satisfactions, is done by another persons sacrifactions.
Between... ones person success, is another persons failures.
And so... ones person laugh, is another persons tears.
Perhaps... your rightful judgement, is wrongful in his/her point of view.
Whichever... ones person freedom, is another persons bounds (bind/tie-up).
Whatever... things you give up, is another persons chances & oppoutunities.
Hence... ones input is another output or otherwise.
Eventually, this world is always trying to balance in some kind of formulations and etc. Whether directly or indirectly, significantly or insignificantly... It takes time for everyone of us to understand not only on the sentences or words but also the real meanings behind the sentences and the words. 
What's most important? The answer at the end doesn't means everything. But yet the process is everything for all. Take a big breathe to experiences it, feel it, think about it, express it in a good manner, remember the lesson to ensure not repeating the same kind of mistakes. 
When will this world being balance!?!?!? Balance as I desire for... ... ... 

Monday, July 20, 2009

Their Favourites Quote Ownership

Every of them are special and unique. They have their favourites QUOTE. No matter they realised or not. However, me and my friends do realized about it. They are professional but yet they have very kind and humble personality. Besides, they are full of sense of humourous. 
All their favourites quote at the following has their owner and ownership. Just that, they did not register only.. LOL.. =D xD
And now, here is it :

  • Absolutely No No
  • I assume you know
  • Sometimes the common sense is not so common
  • *laugh*hahahah* it is just an academic jokes
  • I'm very fussy
  • etc...

Any add-on, please leave comment. Let's cheers in our study=) Enjoy^.*

Sunday, July 19, 2009



Thursday, July 16, 2009

Life is Sucks; So sorry

Life is sucks when:

  • some people force me to do something I dislike and not interested on
  • some people force me to live my life according to their lifestyle and pattern
  • some people cannot understand the meaning of life and did not live life to the fullest
  • some people have not understand their border line when with me
  • some people trying to change who I am (Think, change the world is hard.)
  • some people did not take things seriously
  • some people did not thoughts for further view
  • some people did not know their bondaries in a friendship
  • some people don't even act gentlemently
  • some people care and bother me and my thoughts either personal things too much over
  • some people feel I'm tough and hard but yet still make a try on me (Get out)
  • pretending like knowing and understanding me well
  • tries to step one step towards to my deepest part of heart and yet was not the one I desired for
  • things doesn't go smoothly as i wish and yet gettings more complicated and duplicated.
  • I meant what I'm trying to say but the other doesn't take it seriously
  • I feel guilty but yet the other party on that situation doesn't think/feel so

And so, beg your pardon that today mood was definately in a madness situation and yet mad you through msn. Feel sorry but yet I'm not the one that 100% wrongful.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Be Peace, Can't We?

All I wants is just be peace. Why don't just stop what's the matter that recently happened. I'm very sure that, all these problems doesn't make it on one short day. It's accumulated from past until now. Why must everytime starts talking then end up like a mad cow. Families, under one huge tree. All I wanted was just be peace in house. Don't grumbling each other this and that. Every human has their inner good and bad. I hate noisy and trouble maker in house. 
Live in peace is that hard? All of us was actually lack of communications. And yet not understanding each other but only ourselves. Try to talk in smoother way when asking for a favor. Try to discuss in a better manner but not like owing you hundred thousand. Try to think of each other has their own stress no matter you are working or studying. Try to understand that all of us wanted to give a helping hand on this house this family. Don't always use own-thinking to judge what she or he will think. Try to ask for more in a correct manner. Try not to always misunderstanding each other means on words or sentences. Try to avoid once talk then fight til the end of the story. Sometimes lose or win doesn't really matter. 
Be happiness as a family, peace as a family, love each other more. Not that so impossible, All of us need a try on it. You Me Her Him and I... ... Perhaps it might gets better. I don't want any tears droping, hiding own-self crying, back-stabbing each other faults, grumblng each other wrong. All of us should feel the guilty and the sinful. How will daddy feel or thinking about all these happening when he looking on us from the heaven. How faults and wrongful we are being acting like these and let it happened just like this by not doing anything. I hate these kind of feelings, I hate the argue noisy environments. 
Let's think about all these issue deeply seriously!! For our own good and each other good.

Friday, July 10, 2009



Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hols Trip To Cameron Highlands

After our (girls) Acca Exam ended. There's a trip that already planned in advanced which is headed to -- Cameron Highlands for 3Days 2Nights at 27th - 29th of June 2009. Total of 9 friends were going and had already dealt with it previously. Meanwhile, eveLyn, LiShan, Cindy, Leanne, Daphne, KokSing, Sit, Hin, CheeLeong.
27th June;
CheeLeong and Sit came over Cheras to pick me and LiShan up and so headed to Cindy's house--Damansara Utama. And so, there's some rules while all the way to our destiny. That is, I ain't no chance to sit together with dear LiShan. As both of the guy was claiming that, once we both sit together then starts to begins with our own worlds of imaginations and chit chating without bothering any others else. Arrived Cindy's house meet with Cindy, Daphne, Leanne, KokSing and Hin. Before get rid to start with our journey Cindy's sister was asked by us for a minor help which is taking our grouping photos.
Now and then all the way (highway). Cindy's their side shouldn't be any problem in communicating as far as she was there. However, our side do really having communication problems as quite and peace with few little sentences of chit chatting and for then remains silence. That's nothing why, just hardly to get starts with it.
Firstly arrived Bidor, was been there to take our perhaps brunch. That's a wonderful brunch. I'm lucky that sharing with LiShan. Otherwise can't finish the food end up wasted only.
As time passes, we'd finally reach our destiny - Cameron Highlands. Since both vehicles was full of luggages and drivers do need some short rest. Therefore, check-in for the apartment that Cindy booked before time. No lift supply, but it doesn't really matter as ours were just at 2nd floor. There's really great weather... Loving it.. The apartment looks great. Perhaps it do really great 3 rooms 2 bathroom, kitchen, tv etc... The most important is, the places is definately clean, neat and tidy. Cindy, you do really done a great job on this =) Let's cheers!
After settle down luggages and other stuff with resting time. Step out from the apartment and we starts ahead to 'Boh' Tea Farm. The view there was absolutely great. Althought it's uncomparable with Bali. But it's still consider absolutely great. All of us was enjoying photo shoting there when all the way walk to the top as well as all the way walk to the bottom. That's really fantastic! 
Then, we went for the night market there to grabs some raw food materials for our dinner. Nice cold weather like this, the best suits dinner for sure definately is - Steamboat! After grabing those raw food materials then we're on our ways back to apartment. Preparations of food was done by Cindy, Leanne and Daphne. So where's LiShan and eveLyn been? Laziness awake both of us that's why we didn't help on preparing. Aww, for sure this is not the reason. That's is because that the kitchen is 'BIG' enough until can only fits in 3 persons. 'Big' right!? LoL
Was already late night.. Its a quiet night but because of 9 of us, it becomes what so called 'horrible' night. We take a walk around the area. All the way while we walking, there is full of jokes funs and joys. That causes us non-stop laughing there. This is the reasons why the quiet night 'transform' becoming a 'horrible & terrible' noisy night. And yet we're lucky as we ain't not receiving any kind of complaints in any kind of forms. After we back to apartment, me and LiShan was really tired enough and we get to bed 'offline' with them early. But heard so they saying that Daphne, Cindy and Leanne wasn't sleep enough as 3 of them same bedroom and chit chat until late late night! Me and LiShan was lucky to be fits into the room and we both can chats whatever worlds we wanted to be in. :p
28th June;
Early morning, awake by the others and it was only 7am. Excluded me and LiShan, the other 7 persons went for a morning walk. Both of us didn't join the morning walk. No reasons why! Just not so that in on it.
After everybody finish preparing showering and etc... 2nd day journey starts. Today's weather doesn't looks nice and great. Morning after breakfast, we went to Butterflies & Flowers House. Then we went to Strawberries Farm but we didnt pick it! As we thinks that's not really a need to do so perhaps!
Then noon time we take our lunch in a simple but yet nice feelings restaurant. The Lemon Tea there was amazingly taste delicious. The boss home-made Lemon Tea. Sky getting darker and darker yet starts raining. Almost the whole afternoon until evening was raining. The earlier plan burst it but yet still be in funs and laughing. Sitting at the restaurant while awaiting for the rains to stop, there're planning for the next having great chats y playing cards and so on.
Rains gets smaller.. good for us! We'd been sitting at the restaurant for several hours. What to do! Weather problem! Now, headed to Catus & Flower Farm. The flowers and catus there was really amazed me kinda big huge and absolutely grow in a pretty nice way! That's fantastic. Somehow, over here there's a tiny terrible happenings. As me, LiShan and Cindy was trying to capture a photo from a nice view. But then, there's a group of people perhaps they are all from one same company coming for a trip. 2 fella from that group was actually want to capture photo from the same view as us. End ups, without any other thinking bear in our mind we capture together with the fella. The guy was roughly at the age of 29-30. Asking for my e-mail as wanted to sent me the picture that me Cindy LiShan took together with him, withou any hesitate i gave it. Then, we go on for our walks around there and capturing photos. Eventually end of the farm, the fella was come over again and telling LiShan that, his friend's was saying LiShan is pretty (No doubt yet no need his telling we all also feel so that she's pretty). But yet the fella no wow her but was actually me. He's daring to asking my phone number. Hell man. This kind of guy. What the heck! At that ages wow girls like us at those places. Terrible man! 
Night time, we went to the night market again as everyone of us wants to buy some foods and souvenirs bring back home. Accountants syndrome starts when buying before paying keep on negotiating the price here and there. End up, for sure accountant syndrome win the case! LoL. 
Dinner, we had at outside restaurant. After that went back to apartment for a nap take a rest, then we go starbucks for chit chatting again. But yet there's supper then when back to apartment - Steamboat again. LiShan is not taking the supper as she not feeling well yet need to get to bed sleep early! But I'm suprising Cindy as I'm taking the supper. There's a reasons why am I taking the supper and I guess it doesn't really causing me gain my weight that much for just 1 day as it's only once in a blue moon for that.
That night, me and LiShan was having a great pillow chat that only belongs to we both in our room until 06:15am the morning. Then only we both fall alseep.
29th June;
Early morning wake up gets everything well prepared as there's a fixed timing for the apartment check-out! Packs everything well and proper put all luggages back to that 2 vehicles and yet get things done before the check-out time. Lucky! And so, the 3rd day we enjoy from top to the bottom of Cameron. Went for another place that have nice view as well for Hi-Tea. Before that went to the morning market get some stuff and there, each guys gifts we girls each roses. Thanks alots appreciated it much. But yet personally, me and LiShan feel that, that's wastages. As both of us all the way doesn't have good comments on flowers and strictly speaking we don't like it. We're more materialistics perhaps :p
After the tea-time. We do went to the Gua (don't know what's the gua named)
before arrived the place for the dinner. We headed to Ipoh to had our dinner - Chicken Rice with Beansprout. Ended there, then all of us all the way back to KL. Before home, we having drinks at PJ. 
Lastly and Finally, as everybody was tiring and out of energy. We back to our home sweet home.
#We'd capture and shot total of more than 1000+ of photos within this 3D2N trips to Cameron. I definately appreciated this trips and absolutely having funs, joys, and enjoyment on this trips. Take good care everyone and glad to being friends with you all =) 
-End Of Story-

with blessing;


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Incompleted Piece

This is the piece of my drawing that i did not complete last year December 2008. 
This morning,
I re-arrange my arts stuff from my bookshelves then only I found out the incomplete piece of drawing that I forgotten for so many months.
What's on the drawing paper was those poster&water colour that already dry. For sure
I can still remember reasons why that I did not complete it at that time. This is because I've totally no idea how should I continue on it.
And so.. left it and let it be... Until today, then only I realised that I'd already half year did not touch or produce any of my drawings. This is the longest time that I it aside and did not touched at all. 
This time...
I've no doubt on how to continue on this. But, use of material has changed this time. Did not use any of the poster colour to continue. However, I choose to continue with oil pastels. 
Based on those previous dry poster colour idea that lies on the drawing paper, this is not what I originally wanted to draw. 
Somehow, that day and today's was different... totally different!! Really! As time passed, the mood, the feelings, thoughts will change accordingly..  This is what I always agree.Ends up I completed it with today's feelings and thoughts come out with this.This 2 picture was  the completed work.And so...I do believe that this is just merely similar with my feelings now. I might be astray, I might be lost  my direction on my path on studies and others things. No matter what. But..This will never happen for permenant; all these was only temporarily. Perhaps...all I need is 'time' for me to handle and rearrange everything and re-evaluate it. Then I can get my answer, then I can go through on it. Rainbows will appears after the rain.  Wish everything will be alright. Mentally & Physically. May God bless me. Blessing..

Monday, June 8, 2009

Give Up or Continue ?

Finally, this round ACCA exam already finish. This is the first time that I'm not enough time to do all 3 papers. Really sucks.. Time planning need to review. Must control well next round for others papers. After these 2 months of 'war', then went for exam, and now my feelings is just 50:50. May god bless me well. 
Somehow, this is the time for me to think deeply whether am I really suitable study ACCA. All these time I never think of this question as I no doubt that I can handle it not very well but at least ok. In this world, there's no stupid people; there's only have lazy people. 
I don't know whether is because I'm lazy or what other reasons. A month ago, 'someone' from NY called me. And so, that call was said that 'If you know you're stupid enough, don't waste your time and money. Come out and look for a job and leave your studies. It's been so many years hearing that you're still studying.'  On the spot, my heart is painful, and trying to control my tears flows out.  This kind of feelings doesn't taste good. 
No doubt that after the call ends, I was start thinking that 'Am I really not suitable study?'. This is really struggling me. And even influence my mood and my feelings badly. I start doubting that, I might really not that kind of  'study materials' type, I might really wasting my time,wasting my sister's money. 
When failures come to me, when  people asking why  am I failed. I never said is because other people also failed, I failed so what. I know that's definately my problems. I do really try my very best  for my exam everytime.  I do really feel very embarrassing.
It is because I didn't work hard enough, didn't put enough effords, didn't study hard enough because I lazy or because I'm just as the person said, I'm stupid?. I'm getting not believing what myself used to believed in all the while. I'm starting to wondering whether where should I belongs to.
Friends around was trying to make me understand every people is different, don't compare myself with my sister.  Frankly speaking, I don't ever dare to compare myself with my sister. She's a very successful woman no matter in her studies her life  her career neither her marriage. She is always the person influence me so that I  keep on reminding myself to study hard to achieves my desire future.
See somehow, after that calls I do confidence went down to negative. I guess I should give up, but that's the true that I do really take my study very very serious and never thought of play a fool on my studies; Or I should continue with my studies and ignores what the person said to me on that phonecalls? Should I give up my study or continue? 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Just leave, I don't give a Dxxx!!

If you really can't adapt with my life, just leave my circle! I don't give a damn.
Yea, not everyone can understand my life. You might think that my life is kind that boredom study, study and still only study. So what, that's my life. So long as I myself know that the way I live my life now is for a better future life why not i work harder. If you think you really can't fit in in my life, then go away just leave. Go ahead with the lifestyle you headed to, go for the lifestyle that you're so into.
But... bear in mind. Since we're in the different world of thoughts, PLEASE don't ever try to changes my mind my thinking and my thoughts. Go ahead and searching for your circle and get out. You can never ever doubt me that study is just nothing and not everything. Hell ya, who doesn't know that study is not everything BUT knowledge do mean everything! At least I think so. In the case that nobody can make changes on you and so please don't you try to make changes on other people.
Don't tell me to play hard and enjoy now. How long can you play a fool? Until ages can you play around? Don't tell me how should we enjoy our life by playing fool with ur life. Perhaps I would rather tough life for now and get a better future. As this is just a matter sooner or later. Another thing you must bear in your 'wonderful' mind is that, playful is not everything and it doesn't gain any benefits as well in long term.

Yea, my life might be just study, my life might be very stress and tension as you see. But so what, I'm just definately not so into you even your life. You might kind that into alcohol but so sorry I'm just only into plain mineral water. I don't disturb your playful on your life and path. And so you don't disturb my path and my life. I do really enjoy my life well very well.
No doubt that I just concern on my studies. But I don't think so there's anything wrong about it. Nah, my life definately full of thoughts about career, money, rich, good future. You told me that's impossible to happen. One thing you must know, nothing is impossible just the matter you wanna make it happen or not.

If you think you have problem with that, leave my circle! I don't give a damn.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Stress and Pressure

ACCA exam once again (should said twice in a year) is around the corner of June.. No doubt that this time I do really finish my self-revision earlier than last time.. Impressive.. Somehow, finish self-revision doesn't mean I can remember and reproduce all of them..
Tough days onwards for me as this sem my IRC class was really peak.. May of 16th 17th F6-Taxation.. 19th 20th 21st 22nd of May F9-Financial Management.. 23rd 24th 25th 26th of May F5-Performance Management.. Heavy yea really heavy for me.. Continuously.. Really no comment..
Today 23rd of May and I seems getting sick soon as today keep on sneezing in the class.. H1N1? nah, for sure NOT.. Just that sensitive nose and these several heavy days sitting in a over-cold classroom.. that's why get hit by Flu.. or perhaps probably is because college air-condition system is been a long long time didnt service, that's why i keep on sneezing in the class.. Cindy, really touchwood ha ya :p xD

Recently, because busy on preparing for exam and facing stresss plus pressure.. Attitude kind that different from usual.. And so, I seems neglect my dear friends.. Besides, I didn't reply you guys message that sent to me and didn't answer you guys phone call.. I do really beg your pardon.. So sorry..
Anyways, after exam I'll probably back to normal for sure.. I just need time yea really need my own time for preparing exam..
And to avoid myself really fall sick the next day, already took 3 tablets of vitamin C.. god bless me.. ~~ ~~ I can't sick for this important timeframe as facing timing constrain as well..

Thursday, April 30, 2009



要不,就是你没有勇气缺乏信心且知道他在很努力的在挽回所以只好推向他;不然,就是你知道不可能一起(或许应该说是你自己觉得自己认为不可能)所以避免伤害就只好推向他。我可不是一扇门,可以让你他又推又拉!可有尝试问问我... ... ... ...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


本打算捉弄捉弄他,所以就给他发了一封短讯(内容免谈,甚无聊的)。居然没回应!之后思考着,会否因为那封短讯而害怕了呢?不过,既然短讯已经发了就由得他吧!反正只是个玩笑 =)
不知吹什么风(管它到底是西北风还是东南风),总之就是不知道吹什么风似的又出现联系上了。他还呐喊着--我不要做穷忙族~~ 相信没有人会想做穷忙族吧!大概有什么改变了他的思维!没错,肯定是!多得他介绍了那本好书好文章。虽然还未阅读完毕,不过当中的含义和精髓,大概也在慢慢的改变着我的思维!完成阅读后,还真地要他告诉我他的计划!前提是当我完成阅读后才能知道到底他在小心翼翼的计划着什么?有着一个怎么样的计划?

Friday, April 10, 2009



Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Monday, March 30, 2009

Truthfully, Suddenlly, Accidentally...

This issue happens very suddenly and accidentally!
Wondering whether should classified it as 'accidentally' as this might be human errors or misunderstanding or wrong 'interpretation'...
This is recently happen;
But yet all can do is just don't think too much about it. And so PRETENDING nothings goes wrong in any kind of meaning.
Frankly telling that, MUST focus on :
ACCA June'2009 Exam is coming soon. Which is left only LESS THAN 3 months time. Approximately 3 papers @ 21days per paper = 63days=1512hours.. Having timing constraint.
Timing must be well 'plainning' & 'allocate'.
This is actually what should do and what usually be planned and follow!
ACCA = Always Come & Come Again. Hopefully can put an ENDING before 23! Doesn't want to show NEVERENDING STORY I & II & III & etc... ...
What a TOUCHWOOD. Anyways, must success with no reason for failure this time!!
That problematics issue that 100% more complicated than Cost of Capital Chapter Formulae in F9. Better set it aside and just LET IT BE.
Don't waste up the TIME. Scare Resources Per Limiting Factor Priority of Allocations :
1. ACCA June'09 Exam - As nobody wish that ACCA exam become a humours jokes as ACCA = Always Come & Come Again. (LOL)
2. ACCA June'09 IRC - Must handle SUCCESSFULLY the sucks of 8 days continuously with everyday 6hours. Strictly speaking, absolutely no time to HANG your neck.
3. ACCA June'09 IRC - another BLESSING 2 days for another paper for 7hours per day.
4. ACCA June'09 IRC - should be 11days continuously as 18 March consider as overall self-briefing.
5. ACCA June'09 solve = Problem solve =) - Which is HOPEFULLY as everybody WISH!!

With Love & Blessing,
Best Regards;


Saturday, March 14, 2009



Friday, March 13, 2009



Thursday, March 12, 2009

Muar-Melacca Trip

I'm invited by my dear friend--JaCinth to go her hometown--Muar together with ChoyLeng(dear friend too) as 09March has no F5 class. Plan is 09March Muar, 10March Melacca!! As plan, 08March I went to their rent condo stay overnight.
09March morning, my mummy called and saying that she can fetch us go Puduraya Bus Station. Well, that's great because can saved another few Riggits for bus fare (typical accountant ha)!!! Unlucky, get into the bus then the weather start rain. Actually, KL already rain for several days.
If I didn't go for trip then rainy day a nice weather for me. Too bad that's not a great weather for people going for trip!First time take bus to go for trip, god didn't give face raining somemore(normally go by car)!
Way go to Muar-at bus;
Bus,11:30 start. All the way, ... ... still raining raining and raining.. wondering when will stop! Between, as I don't have the habits of taking nap when travel or even at home. And so, all the while i listening to my mp4, day dreaming and sms-ing with my friend. Perhaps, to kill my time at bus! Really didn't sleep (back KL that time funny happens)!! Reach Muar almost 13:45. Fast but safe=) Lucky!!
JaCinth's mummy pick us at Muar Bus Station! It's been a long long time I didn't visit this place. As i remember, the last time I visit Muar is around 5 or 6 years ago!! After pick us up, her mum take us for lunch--char siu, siu yok rice, otak-otak. What a nice and cheap lunch! At KL, won't get to eat at that kind of prices!!

Weather still stay the same--Raining.. After lunch, we back to JaC's house to put our stuff, take a nice bath. Because of raining, so we decide to wait for awhile see whether the rain will stop or not then only we continue to the next.. As me and ChoyLeng watching a Korea Drama and JaC online msn for awhile. Purpose is the same, killing the time as waiting for the rain stop. JaC so kind that tell her friend saying that we've already arrived and now watching drama at her living room. Jokes 1-Her friend reply saying her 'You invited your friend come to your hometown to watch drama at your house?'. =) LOLX... Well, her friend really FUNNY!! Humour enough ha!! Wondering!!!!!!!!!!
After that, JaC drive us go out to walk around. Then go Tanjong,Muar to eat something nice and ABC. Within 8hours already eat 2 times. At KL that's impossible happens on me! Somehow go for travel so just eat but still eat carefully watch'out the portion! Go fat faster, go for thin is hard. Weather no changes still raining and raining!!
Between, JaC's driving skill i have really no comment. Wondering next time when i get license will i become like that. Hopefully no!! hahahah =)
Night time, JaC's friend--HouSeng come and drive us out for dinner. Perhaps it's looks like supper. Her friend is a nice guy, luckily not that kind of hard to communicate =) Jokes 2-'3 of you bring rain come Muar!'. The dinner place is quite nice, environmental is good! Dinner is heavy--Ikan Bakar, Fried Sotong etc... ...Chit chat and jokes around!! It's already late night.. Next go and have drinks (non-alcohol) continue chatting!
In between, when on the way back Jac's house, Jac and HouSeng using Hokkien to communicate. As me and ChoyLeng is 'Half Tank Water'. I have really NO IDEA what they both chats about! Wondering... Then reach JaC house! Having a great rest! JaC, thanks for your treat for the 1st meal at Muar!! Enjoying!!!!
09:30, JaC's friend--HouSeng come and fetch us. As next trip is Melacca. He's not fetching us to bus station; he's fetching us all the way to Melacca. As he's studying at Melacca. And so, he wil be our one-day drive at Melacca. See, how nice was her friend!!
Already 3 or 4 years didnt visit to Melacca... Change a lot as well!!!
As her friend having class at 16:00 to 19:00. So, before class he take us walk around! Firstly, of course settle our breakfast first for sure. Breakfast--Rice Ball Chicken Rice, Asam Fish, Vegetable, Soup. That's tasty esoecially the SOUP!! Wonderful. The shop really country style match with Melacca, nice design that suits Melacca culture! Walk around..
After that, her friend drive us to Hotel for check-in! put down everything our stuff! Then continue to the next... Hentian Hang Jebat..Don't misunderstand. This is only the Hentian we take boat. The boat round around Melacca!! Nice view, nice feelings.. and perhaps what a nice weather.
It's SUNNY DAY!! The breakfast haven't digest, here they go bring me for cendol and rojak for--03:15pm Tea Time!!! Lucky is, whatever that is 'cecair' i can take as much as i can especially plain water=) As I wont so fast 'tangki bocor' like 'someone'...heheh..
It's time for her friend to go for class. And so, he drop us at shopping mall area and also nearby our hotel! Then here he go for his class and we walk around shopping mall. ChoyLeng bring me eat something tasty and nice, but i've no idea what that things called. It's green and white inside that have something nice! Thanks ChoyLeng=) After that we walk back to Hotel take a pretty nice bath to relax as sweat a lot and also very sticky!! yer!!
After bath and everything, her friends really on time! her friend already finish class then come to take us out again. This time for dinner (Forgotten what the dinner is). It's a nice and tasty dinner too=) Next, we go for Taming Sari there! Have a great look at Melacca Great and Nice View!! Somehow, if the worker there play some English Song then the atmosphere will be really perfect and match the feeling at the moment!!
Then we go for movie "Love Matter". It's a Singapore movie. LOLX. Really laugh a lot because of this movie. But then, not as what i expect. Story line just so so only, other that makes people LOLX..What a LOL movie... hahahAlready mid night!! Pass by Arena Bar (pas by only really didnt get in).. After LOL movie, now go for a much more peaceful place, should say a bridge long long bridge! The end of the bridge can see the nice view of sea ( don't know is sea or river, as i remember is sea), also saw the 'eyes on malaysia' that from Titiwangsa shifted to Melacca!! Great.. Enjoyable.. The place there really gives people nice feelings to ave a great chats with friends..
Is time to back Hotel take bath and get a nice sleep as tomorrow morning 09:45 bus to KL and need to attend F9 class that start 14:00.. Problem here, JaC and ChoyLeng already fall asleep as after we finish bath already 04:30! Only me can't fall sleep (miss my dear poodle and home sweet home too much). Morning 05:25 only i get into dream. But then 08:00 wake up and well-prepare everything to back KL. Again on time her friend arrived and sent u to bus station.
Thanks to HouSeng as he being our one-day driver plus tour guide!! Thanks a lots.
Way back to KL-at bus;
Bus ticket--JaC's friend help us buy earlier already!Get into the bus, hmm.. not bad consider clean also, air-cond well functioning! Not even half way (i guess just 1/4 1 Quarter) the bus driver told us the bus having problem so need to change another bus.
After changing bus, ChoyLeng sit together with JaCinth. Problem here, the other bus no single place seats! Meanwhile i sit behind them with a stranger (young men also actually). ChoyLeng very fast fall asleep, I guess she very tired as yestertday she's super excited when we having dinner. Never saw her excited-side should say over-excited! It's a good thing for her ( at least me and JaC think it's good for her ). JaC listening song and rest (for sure she didn't sleep).
As i mention above, I don't have the habits of taking nap when travel or even at home. But... I guess I over-tired.. Because yesterday just sleep for only 3hours... ...and so I fall asleep! Problem is, I sleep at the guy shoulder. What the... ... He didn't wake me up.. Lucky is he didnt scold me.. Really Sweat... ... But then after i wake up that time i also get shock that i sleep until like this.. Yea, it's comfortable but really feel sorry as we didn't know each other also! Somehow i know his name is called-Laurence! Once again SORRY!
Finally reach KL, get down the bus on the way walk to college. JaCinth only tell me that, she THOUGHT that the guy is my old friends. As she didnt turn behind and see only heard that me n the guy saying something. After that I told her what's happening and i fall asleep. JaCinth LOL... i really feel malu and paiseh!!

Well, this trip I do really enjoying having lots fun and of course MEMORABLE. It's really wonderful and amazing trip. Perhaps, I wish to go for the next together with both of u again too =) Miss ya and see you both around college=) K.I.T.

Friday, February 20, 2009

10years time, so what...

Recently many things happened! Finally, he moved out! 10years time, but... so what!? Already 1 week he lefted and moved out! She has nothing to say about all this and that and even what's really happening. Fine, let him leave as she wish! So long as she's happy with the deicison she make. We have really no comment! Somehow, all these is non of my business. Why bother!I have no idea why you all call me and keep asking me 'what's really happening?', 'what's really going on?', 'What's the real problem between them?'. All I can answer is 'I don't know anything!'. You all blame me saying that I pretend like non-of my business, blame me saying that's impossible I knw nothing. Fine, because this even non-of anybody else business. So, what makes you all outsiders bother so much!? Today's things happened, for sure it's accumulated from this 10years time. No doubt that that's impossible we don't know what's really going on. Whatever things she do, she even told me. Yea, the most she talks with -- is me! Anyhow, that's their both prolems! Somehow this is also adult problems. Can you all please just don't involved me in!? I'm actually in a dilemma position. All I can do is be NEUTRAL. I will not stand on her or him. Their problem need to settle by themselves not me not you not outsiders not anybody else. We should know well that we're in what position. And so we must know what we must do, what we shouldn't do; what we must say, what we shouldn't even comment on it! This is not what I should take care of, so please just set me aside out of this matter. This is unfair for me. You all want to know the truth huh? Well, just go and figure out by yourself. Don't come over to me. That's enough!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

ACCA Dec'08 Results

Last time, when I knew my sister get very well done strike in ACCA never fail any papers before my reaction is just 'so what..'. But.. I getting realised that how tough ACCA was and how great my sister done! I just take 2 papers per sem also I cannot do well! I'm kinda stupid, useless. Everybody expect that I can do very well. Unfortunately, I didn't. What's my problem? Too nervous about exam hall. Can't calm down once in front exam hall. What to do to cure this kind of nervous? Wondering whether I'm not study type. This year already 20, don't even finish half. 2 papers fail 1 paper. What the hell I'm doing for this several years. Idiots...

Friday, February 6, 2009

A Friend That Didn't Meet Up For 4-Years

05 February 2009. Yea, that's yesterday! Yesterday went out with Jac and SJ at Time Square. Too free nothing to do go there? Absolutely not! We went there buy birthday present. Frankly speaking, I not really want to attend the birthday party because first, too far away from my home(Cheras--Setapak); second, I don't know drive don't even have license; third, althought that girl was my schoolmates but I absolutely not close with her at all (obviously she knew me but I don't know her when secondary's school); fouth... etc. Oh well, I don't want to explain much and also don't want to 'take out' so many reason. Girls can have many reasons and excuse compared to guys! This is what's happening!!Since she so sincerely faithfully inviting me to attend her birthday party. Meanwhile, even I'm not planning to show up that day present is neccessary =) We thought need long time to choose the present but we seems over-estimated! Within 1 hour we finish buy the present! Well then what to do? Walk around then go Kim Gary have a drinks (I have a drink) and Jac SJ have their lunch =) sit there for a long long time chit chating. That's fantastics!! After that we go to Jac's place! Meet CL as well and we had our dinner together!When we almost finish our dinner at the restaurant. Two person walk in at CL realised that the 2 person looking at me. Once I look on that 2 person!! Oh gosh... they are my secondary school friends. One of them even same class with me when we're Form2. I do really very happy that they can still recognised me! It's been a long long time I didnt meet her-- 4-years! Yea 4-years we didnt meet! We didn't forget each other and still remember each other! Not easy =) Not bad too! Well once I chat with her, she start nagged me saying that I didnt find her didnt sms her or even call her. I felt so sorry too!! Once meet with secondary's friends, for sure my memories on that period all recalled!! We're fun that time, lots of things happened happy sad laugh jokes funny ... ... And so we really experienced a lots! Of course among the joyful time--Happy contained the largest portion =) No doubt for this!!I'd promise will contact her when I free =) Feel so sorry that I always busy on my own study!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

A day with a friend who 'usually' didn't turn his promise on!

Today was a great day. KC already promised me many times that he wanted to come my home find me, but he didn't keep his promised. Why he didn't keep his promise? All this is because he don't have car to drive to my home. How far he stayed? That's supreme bloody far--Kota Kemuning!! (Near Shah Alam area) Really damn far for me because I don't even owned a driving license. =.= But for him not that far actually. In condition got extra car for him to drive=)
Morning time, I call KC but he didn't pick up. But then later he called back LS. Noon time, CH go LS house take her then come over my house fetch me as well then we went KC's home. Reached his home then only realise that he didn't pick up my call this morning is because he still lying on his bed and no 'energy' to pick up my phone call as he too too too sleep! (sleep until noon time also said sleepy! Really no medicine to cure!!). He really home-alone nobody else at home!!
Thought sit for awhile but then we went for movies at Sunway Pyramid watched Underworld 3. TGV there damn a lot of peoples. Somehow we get to buy 16:30 tickets for the movie. This movies really not bad. Worth to watched =) (with student price only Rm8/= per person) ^^
Finished movie already 18:00++ LS claim that she's hungry. Therefore we plan to 'search' a place for our dinner. Final decision we go Pizza Hut for our dinner. It's already been a long long time I didn't eat Pizza Hut. (already 3years didn't eat at all) Supposedly after the dinner we should visit another friend's home. But because lack of time and very time consuming (as another friend stay PJ area). Hence end up we just 'return' back to KC's home continue our 'entertainment' =)
Suddenly, half way through the 'entertainment' his brother and sister-in-law come back from somewhere. What to do? Obviously wishing them Happy Chinese New Year for sure=)

After the few hours of 'entertainment' ... 23:30 we went to the nearest McD for drinks and chats!! (I treated them for sure because of some betting) Then we chat this and that here and there. I do understand that what you all trying to tell me=) Thanks dear=) (I mean dear friends for sure)
End of today, we back from KC's house from 01:00am. CH sent us (me & LS) back! Arrived my home already 01:35am. Not late, not that early! Finish shower and bla bla bla already 02:00am. Sleep in while soon!! I do really enjoying a great and wonderful day today!! WONDERFUL =)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hesitate Again?

Hesitate again? Isn't just promise to myself that day would be the last time! What am I doing now? Or I'm just left out too many things between us. Stop asking me out. Don't makes me holds anything about you. All the while, I believe that I'm able to handle it. Those blogs that you spent time and write together with me. I do really appreciated a lot. I remember how you taught me within 2 years to improve my lousy mandarin. I do know that you can rather give up your dreams and come back to find me. I know you can do more for me compare with last time. Anyhow, don't forget that 3years ago is you yourself who saying that we should go for our own dreams. That time... you agreed and I agreed. Yea, there's nothing wrong that go for our dreams. But before you lefted our problem already occured. Before the lady step in, our problem already occured. Is there any reason behind that now you want to hold me back? But that day was the last day, I will not give myself any chance for us. I will not give myself any excuse for myself to have a chance write blog with you. Some memories it's really hard to forget because it's full of memories. Some memory I don't want to forget as well. So please don't come to me any closer. I don't know how many time I can control myself. Do not say easily forever, your pledge load that many.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Someone who being lost in the dense fog

Tonight.. have a great chat with my dear best friend. No doubt that's really a wonderful great chats. After tonights chats, I getting to understand her not absolutely but at least getting to know her well compared to last time. How long been we knew each other? Not a really long period for me. Yea, not really a long period! But both of us have that kind of 'secret agreement'. There's lots of similarity between us. I really can't imagine this. It's so amazing and fantastics =) Fate that brings both of us together? I guess so! I do really learnt a lot from her. I really apreciated our friendship very much and I'm glad that she treated me as her best friend! She know a lot about me and I do so know a lot about her. She used to remind me and wants me to bear in mind that 'don't get injured, always flirt with cautions.'. Perhaps, someday she may being astray being lost... And need someone to be there for her. I bet here, no matter how what when where, when she need a friend for help I'll be there for her. She meant what she trying to express to me and so me too =)Friend, you're the one who advised me don't hide myself and try to tell out what problem I'm facing when I facing something that I cannot go through. I wish you bear in mind what you told and advise me too. You're not alone. Yea, you might feel lonely sometimes, then think about me=) I will come to you when you need a friend. Don't hide yourself too! Everyone has their own story, everybody has their past. No people likes to disclose their past like headline news to everyone. Especially those bad memories. Somehow, we must remember one thing, we must always be alert on what we had experienced before don't let ourselves have a chance to make the same mistakes, doing the same decision regrets for 2nd time.Sometimes, we are just temporarily feel unconvincing, when the dense fog in front your eyes has lifted, you will be able to see it clear and know what to do, so don't give up easily! We are extremely fortunate not to know precisely the kind of world we live in..We all need courages, motives, and ... ... Like others people do!Frankly speaking, I'm a bit regret to tell you my story through the e-mail. Don't get me wrong. I not here to say that you will disclosed or what. Just that sometimes I will choose to keep rather than tell. Although you're my best friend but I just don't want you to hold the responsibility that keeps worrying on me like hell. I'm glad that I have such a friend like you. Lastly, take good care =) Wish to see you soon after Chinese New Year =)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I met a friend I haven't seen for awhile. All the while, I'm hesitate and trying to evade. My friends have comforted me. It's hard for a long time, should we see each other again like before? Already 3 years time, I spent a long time and now my promise set me free. How you doing lately, everything alright? Truthfully from my heart, all along I always thought that I spent so much time and efford in my studies at Malaysia is nothing wrong. No doubt for this. You can't blame on me saying that I'm the one who give up my chance to further study design course at overseas because this is my personal choice and it's my own future. Isn't you're doing the same thing as you just left Malaysia and went to UK to continue your studies? So please don't say that I'm spiteful or desolate, don't say my decision is wrong. There's nothing right or wrong. Our own path decide by ourselves. Fine, leave as you wish just pass me by, just take the memories without regrets, I'm able to handle it. Didn't you say our future was more important and we'll always support each other decisions? Didn't you get what you wanted? What is it now? Why are you coming to me saying different things. Don't tell me how exhausted you were. I might as well pretend I couldn't hear you and hang up. Don't turn back and live your life well. I had a friend. He always tell me that I'm just pretending and covering myself. He used to said that I actually do still care about you. Everytime I chat with him, he used to advise me that do not evade because of fears. Perhaps I should give you another chance because you've done a lot of things because of me. I should say thanks to him. He's the one who makes me think and think and never force me to decide what or how should I do. Now, I'm here to tell my friend that at the first sight he's right because all the while I still hesitating. But eventually now I already makes everything clear. You and me is just friends, nothing more.As time flow, all the memories can be forgotten. New can erase old and replaced it. Don't say I'm cruel. You already fading from my memories, whether you believe it or not. Time we needed already expired. Things that you doing now, it might just because of your emotional impulse. Try to think what you really want. We already wasted each other a lots of time.