Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Funniest Conversation

DATE: 27 July 2010
Mid Night
TIME: Range of 2:00AM - 4:00PM
*accidentally called, unintentional call*
L: Hello!
C: *laugh non stop*
L: Anything? Are you okay?
C: Yes I'm alright! Just my DoDo (Dog) ter-press!
L: DoDo???????
C: *mumbling*
L: You wanna back to sleep?
C: Nope. Dont wanna sleep yet!
L: K, continue the conversation then:)
C: I wanna sleep now!

P/S 1* I'm so lucky that this call not called to KarCin. Otherwise the next day I'll get murdered! As 727 was her Birthday!

P/S 2* No matter how many time I think about this, I'll definitely laughing like nobody business!

P/S 3* Never know PatrickLimJooHooi crazy pick up the call that called by someone that half awake half asleep!

P/S 4* It's definitely *LOL*

1 comment:

Pat said...

Silly little blur baby.. =P